Mengxiao's Homepage

Mengxiao Lin
Photo at Chengdu, China by Tianxiao Hu.

Mengxiao Lin (林孟潇)

Software Engineer at Facebook Inc.

Email: linmx0130 [at] gmail dot com

About Me

I'm a Software Engineer at Facebook, based in Menlo Park, CA. Wish to see you in California!

I received my master degree from UC Davis in December 2020. Previously, I was a researcher at Basemodel Team of Megvii Technology (Face++) led by Dr. Xiangyu Zhang, working on object detection and pose estimation problems in computer vision. Before I went to Face++, I was working on natural language processing with deep learning approaches, advised by Prof. Xiaoqing Zheng at Fudan University.

Some of my Chinese blogs on programing are published on my Zhihu Column.

Open-source Projects

  • Yoshino
    A Rust data structural modeling library: automatically manage add/remove/update data to the database.
  • Yet Another MXnet DETection
    A Faster R-CNN implementation fully in MXNet gluon API. More functions are in developing.
  • parserChiang
    Naïve transition-based dependency parser in MXNet gluon.


Other Projects